Sunday, July 6, 2008

Creepy Creepers!

I'm slightly inlove with Deviant Art at the moment because it's such an open forum for all things creative and it's a great way to get opinions on my work and inspiration; there are lots of cool communities for specific areas of art, design, craft etc.

A community I reaaaaally want to participate in is Creepy-Craft
At the moment they have a really cool Fairy Tale contest:

This month's contest will be Fairy Tale themed.
All of the submissions must be inspired by your favorite fairy tale as a child.
Submitting will run from Monday, June 23 until Friday July, 18.

Fairy Tale Contest Rules * Any craft, costume, doll or accessory that is Fairy Tale inspired will be accepted.* Must be a new deviation. * Try to be original and creative. * Each member can submit up to 2 entries.* Use subject "CONTEST" in your submission note.

Hopefully I can pull something together by the 18th (definately will if i put my boop into gear! hehe)

As a child my favourite Fairy Tale was Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Some ideas that I have been thinking about are..

A Snow White pendant; a little Snow White figure would be 'sleeping' inside a glass coffin. The glass coffin could be made out of plastic and the necklace chain would pierce through the plastic.

A Snow White voodoo doll (haha evil); Since the Queen dislikes the beautiful Snow White, she has made a voodoo doll so she's guarentee to be "...the fairest of them all..." Thinking of just making the doll out of felt and make little 'Snow White' clothing

^_^ both my ideas are a little morbid but it's CREEPY CRAFT gotta expect a tiny bit of evilness ;)

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