THE plan:
* I love the antique white dressers with the perfect mirrors and crystal trinket boxes, unfortunately my room is quite small so I am not able to fit an old dresser of this sort so I am taking a modern approach. I have purchased a white "cubed" bookcase, my jewellery is set on top with books, dvds and other special little things inside the cubed sections. Looks very nice and it's so wonderful being able to see all my jewellery on display!

* I have a wooden un-varnished desk with my mac, uni books, printer and random teddies and magazine placed all over it (haha a tad messy!!) I would love to get this desk (which in real fact is a door held up using filing cabinets) varnished to be a similar finish to my bed with a white edge trim to fit in with my dresser.
* I am starting to collect the wonderful Sylvanian Families (so so soooo sweet and detailed and wonderful and cute!) so I really need to find a place to display my lovely little family. My desk is quite large so I think I will have enough room after I rearrange the printer and current mess haha.

* A couple of months ago I bought a H.I.M Razorblade Romance 12" vinyl and I really want to get this framed and put on my wall. Although a little different in style to my new white "dresser" and white edged desk but with the pink colour scheme and ornate details in the imagery I think it will still fit in with my room decor as it looks quite feminine (Even if it didn't I would still have it :P)
* Walls Decals! I want to decorate my wardrobe with a typographic wall decal. I can just picture a really pretty quote being scrawled across my wardrobe in a really nice gothic, script typeface :)
That's about all the plans I have for my lovely little room, I think I will be living at home for a little while longer so I look forward to re-inventing it!
Amy xX