It probably has something to do with the fact I haven't sewn or been to any craft markets lately. So I've decided this blog is not only going to feature my craft pieces/ideas but also my Graphic Design work and random babble...
Quite a lot has happened since my last post.
- I am now 21
- I am in my 3rd (and final) year of study
- I am only weeks (2 to be precise) away from my Semester 1 folio
- I am looking forward to finishing my course and working for a studio or freelancing
- I want to travel (UK, Scandinavia. I <3>
- Oh and I updated my blog banner and colour scheme ;)
I find my inspiration comes from a lot of different things these days, they have always been motivating factors of my personality and work but as things are always moving and changing; my tastes always shift too...
I look forward to posting here again as I often experience blog envy

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